Together against infectious diseases: Dynamic42 and InfectoGnostics join forces at the 8th AMR Conference in Basel
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The biotech company Dynamic42 presented its latest developments in organ-on-chip technology at this year's AMR conference in Basel, Switzerland, on a joint stand with its partner InfectoGnostics from 6th to 7th of March. The close collaboration between the two underlines their joint commitment to innovative therapeutic approaches. The InfectoGnostics research campus is deeply rooted in Thuringia's innovation landscape and is networked with the Thuringian ClusterManagement.
The AMR conference at a glance
The AMR Conference is the most important European specialist event in the field of antimicrobial resistance. Now in its 8th year, the conference focused in particular on scientific breakthroughs, clinical development and financial aspects. As well as providing an insight into current trends, the event was also a platform for high-profile presentations and networking.
Small chips, big advances: Dynamic42 presents organ-on-chip models
Dynamic42 develops innovative 3D in-vitro microphysiological systems known as organs-on-chips. These advanced microfluidic systems on biotech chips are capable of reproducing human tissue units and their key functions. The versatile human in vitro models are used in clinical research, drug development, pharmaceutical and basic research.
As part of the ATHANA project, the Dynamic42 team has developed a chip-based model of an aspergillosis infection and presented it at the AMR conference. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by the mold Aspergillus fumigatus, which often attacks the lungs and can be life-threatening for immunocompromised individuals. Around three million people worldwide are affected by the disease. To date, there are only a few active substances that can combat such fungal infections. Dr. Mai Hoang, Senior Scientist at Dynamic42, presented her latest findings and highlighted the remarkable progress that can be made using innovative on-chip technologies to study Aspergillus fumigatus infections.
Dynamic42 also presented its innovative 3D intestine-on-chip model. The model illustrates the complex interactions between the human gut and the fungus Candida albicans.
ATHANA alliance develops effective therapeutic approaches against fungal infections
The ATHANA alliance is committed to developing effective therapeutic approaches against fungal infections. As part of the alliance, Dynamic42 is working with other regional partners from industry and research. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the regional entrepreneurial alliances for innovation and supported by the Thuringian Cluster Management. The aim of ATHANA is to develop antifungal therapeutic approaches using nanoparticle-based drug delivery. The targeted transport of substances to their site of action enables them to help more efficiently and at the same time reduce unwanted side effects.
Blog post by Juliane Fischer | Dynamic42
Spezialisierungsfeld Gesundes Leben und Gesundheitswirtschaft
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