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Thüringer Clustermanagement (ThCM)

Landesentwicklungs­gesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG Thüringen)

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
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Sustainable Energy supply and Resource Management

The innovation field of "Sustainable Energy supply and Resource Management" includes industry activities in the areas of renewable energies, regional energy supply concepts, energy storage and resource management and reuse. Its participants include numerous economic actors in product and plant manufacturing or in the service sector who occupy special niches or have a broad portfolio of services as market or technology leaders.

A high-performance university and non-university research landscape, as well as established network and advisory structures provide ideal conditions for the networking of science and industry and thus for the generation of future-oriented technologies.

The economy in the field of specialisation in figures

9.3 Turnover in billion euros
6300 Companies
42000 Employees subject to social security contributions

Data source: own calculation based on TLS data, as of 2020 (figures rounded)

Derived from the specialisation profile, four topics currently prove to have potential for this field:

  • Energy storage for the energy transition
  • Cognitive energy systems for a secure and sustainable energy supply of the future
  • Resource-efficient material cycles and raw material use for sustainable economic activity

Vision and goals

Efficient and intelligent use of energy and raw materials and their recycling create regional added value in Thuringia.

  • Thuringia increases competitiveness through innovative technologies and products energy-efficient processes, resource conservation and sustainability.
  • In the Free State, high-performance industrial research partnerships of national and international value are being formed in the areas of intelligent energy systems and the use of natural resources, as well as in the recycling and materials management sector.
  • Thuringia is tapping into the diverse sources of potential stemming from the bioeconomy, from the industrial use of renewable, especially indigenous, raw materials to biogenic waste treatment.

Cluster and network organisations

  • Networks


    SolarInput e.V.

    SolarInput has been managing the network of Thuringian solar entrepreneurs, service providers, research and educational institutions and municipalities since 2003. The association is committed to strategic cross-sector networking and regional anchoring of the solar industry, as well as the application of solar technology locally.


    Thuringian Renewable Energies Network e.V. (ThEEN)

    Be it, for example, "Smart Grid", "Renewable Heat" or "Energy Efficient Neighbourhood Solutions with Renewable Energy Integration": Thuringian Renewable Energies Network e.V. organises expert forums, initiates cross-sector studies and cooperation projects, supports relevant political processes at the state level and unites the key players of all renewable energy forms.

    As a competence network for renewable energies, ThEEN e.V. bundles the know-how of more than 300 companies via its member associations, as well as numerous individual members, companies, research facilities, municipalities and facilities, and, at the same time, represents their interests.


Your contact person


Dr. Michael Bär

Dr. Michael Bär Field of specialisation – Sustainable energy and resource use

Get in touch with us