How to reach us

Thüringer Clustermanagement (ThCM)

Landesentwicklungs­gesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG Thüringen)

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Telefon: +49 (0) 361 5603-470
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Information and communication technology, innovative and production-related services

The fast and mobile exchange of information has established itself as a significant growth factor with the digitalisation of all areas of life. According to the BMBF, more than 80 per cent of innovations in the sectors important to Germany are based on developments from the field of information and communication technologies. Accompanying this structural change, more and more creative service providers are contributing to the innovations – from product features to new business models. This combination of creativity and technical developments opens up new markets, for example, for new intelligent services.

In terms of industry classification, the field of specialisation includes large parts of the ICT sector, as well as individual creative industries.

Although the ICT sector in Thuringia is rather small, it is experiencing significant growth compared to the national average. With ITnet Thüringen e.V., a network has been established that operates in cooperation with the other clusters and networks throughout Thuringia.

The scientific expertise for this industry cluster is found in eight universities (four universities and four universities of applied sciences) and five research facilities.

Research focuses include digital engineering, digital media technology, analysis, management and simulation of complex systems, mobile communication, precision systems and technical and biomedical assistance systems. The creative industries are supported with two special application centres (bauhaus FACTORY and STUDIOPARK Children's Media Centre), among others.

The specialisation profile of the field with the outstanding competencies is described in the Thuringian Innovation Strategy as follows:

The economy in the field of specialisation in figures

3.05 Turnover in billion euros
5400 Companies
24800 Employees subject to social security contributions

Data source: own calculation based on TLS data, as of 2020 (figures rounded)

Derived from the specialisation profile, four topics currently prove to have potential for this field:

  • Learning systems
  • Augmented and virtual reality – Audio-visual assistance for people
  • Service Robotics enhancing everyday life
  • Digital platforms and services for business and administration

Vision and goals

Shaping the Digital Economy: The cornerstone of the Bauhaus as the most important design school of the modern age – the work community of "artist, technician and merchant" – is adapted in a contemporary way for the economy in Thuringia, and becomes the basis of a new departure in innovation strategy. The combination of technical solution and handling, of product, service and market, using the possibilities of networked processes and digital functions, ensures our competitiveness and growth prospects.

The following strategic objectives are at the forefront:

  • Thuringia's economy relies on the cooperation of creative service providers with other sectors for innovation processes.
  • Thuringia is becoming a pioneer in the redesign of interface designs (human-machine interface) as a combination of IT, communication design and technology.
  • Thuringia is expanding its leading position in the field of applied acoustics and 3D audio technology.
  • Thuringia is expanding its leading role in the development of applications for e-commerce and creating new value-added relationships from e-commerce solutions to innovative logistics.
  • Thuringia uses its technological competencies in the field of audio and media to become the meeting point of a new avant-garde of media producers and new media formats. In doing so, the Free State is expanding its top position as a children's media state and its goal as a young modern media location.
  • Thuringia achieves a top position in the development of techniques and content for educational media.
  • Thuringia stands for securely hosted applications in the eBusiness sector.
  • Thuringia sets standards for future media architectures, for the generation, transmission and reproduction of content.

Partners and key stakeholders

  • Networks


Your contact persons


Margarita Maria Reissig-Cajamarca

Margarita Maria Reissig-Cajamarca Field of specialisation – ICT, innovative and production-related services

Michel Reichardt

Michel Reichardt Field of specialisation – ICT, innovative and production-related services